P.C.C. Minutes


                        MINUTES OF T HE JOINT PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL        


Meeting Date

13th November   2019


As recorded in the attendance book                                                  


Father David opened the meeting with a prayer.


Mr. Edward Luscombe; Mr. Richard Coombes

Minutes of last meeting

These were accepted as a true record.                    


Matters Arising

There was nothing to report from the recent Deanery meeting.

The new copies of Edward Luscombe’s book the History of St. Peter’s have arrived and are now on sale.

The Elmer Elephant figure discussed at the last meeting was in fact made for St. Peter’s School, Tavistock and not our St. Peter’s Primary School.                                                                                                                                      

Leading Your Church Into Growth (LYCIG)

Those who attended the residential course thought it to be well worth attending. It was thought that the ideas presented at the course were achievable, and good supporting literature was provided. Fr. David thought that those who attended worked well together as a team.

 Mission Action Plan

It was proposed that we adopt a new Mission Statement which is: ‘Making a family out of strangers rooted in love’. This has already started to appear on the Mission Community’s Communications.  The prayer for growth within our Churches is being used regularly at each Daily Mass and also at the end of the Sunday Mass.

It is planned to hold a Christingle service on Sunday 1st December. Starting at 4p.m with craft activities, as a prelude to a Messy Church starting in the New Year, the service to be held at 5.00 pm followed by food at 5.30 p.m.

St. James Lease

Prior to the meeting, Father David had supplied a copy of the proposed lease for the Church Plant at St. James to each member of the P.C.C. The PCC discussed the propsals for St James, which would last for a period of five years. It was agreed unanimously that Father David should sign the lease on behalf of the P.C.C.

Faculty application


 The Faculty Application for the proposed works at St. James was then discussed and the PCC agreed unanimously that the following statement be recorded in the minutes:  We, the P.C.C. of the Mission Community of St. Peter and the Holy Apostles, which incorporates St. James the Less, Ham Drive, Plymouth, agree with the faculty application as written and with the proposed work contained within it.


See attached Treasurer’s report

Church Activities

A Christmas coffee morning is to be held at St. Thomas Church on Saturday 7th December from 10.30 am to 12 noon

Safeguarding /GDPR

There were no issues to report, however, some of the personal details need updating.

PCC Responsibilities 

Actions based on the Quinquennial reports are still ongoing, but the additional work on St. Thomas roof has now been completed

Dates of PCC meetings for the coming year

15th January at St. Peter’s; 11th March at St. Thomas, with the A.P.C.M. being held on Sunday 19th April at St. Peter’s.

All meeting to start at 7.00 pm


There being no further business, Fr. David closed the meeting with a blessing.


Signed as a true record




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