Mass Duty Rota

Participants at the Liturgy – Holy Week







Monday 29th March

Monday of Holy Week 7.30 p.m.

David Platzer


Sue MacKenzie

No Offertory Procession

No Chalice

Tuesday 30th March

Tuesday of Holy Week 7.30 p.m.

Sue MacKenzie


Sylwia Krygier-Godfrey

No Offertory Procession

No Chalice

Wednesday 31st March

Wednesday of Holy Week 7.30 p.m.

Roger Lewis


Jenny Harvey

No Offertory Procession

No Chalice

Thursday 1st April

Maundy Thursday

 7.30 p.m.

Sylwia Krygier-Godfrey

Sylwia Krygier-Godfrey

Sue MacKenzie

No Offertory Procession

No Chalice

Friday 2nd April

Good Friday 11.00

Stations of The Cross




No Offertory Procession


Friday 2nd April

Good Friday

3.00 p.m.

Sue Way

Sue Way


No Offertory Procession

No Chalice

Saturday 3rd April

Holy Saturday

8.00 p.m.

1st: David Platzer

3rd: Roger Lewis

2nd: Jacquie Morrison

4th: Sylwia K.G.

Sue Way

No Offertory Procession

No Chalice



  1. ALL YOUNG PEOPLE should take a full part in our liturgical gatherings – always providing Health and Safety is not compromised. So we should see them
  1. Reading,
  2. bringing The Gifts to the Priest
  3. leading the Prayers
  4. acting as Servers
  5. helping with the Ministry of Welcome (Sidespersons)
  6. helping with the Ministry of Hospitality (Coffee after Mass etc                                                          ISSUED: 3rd Sunday in Lent
First published on: 9th March 2021
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