P.C.C. Minutes



The Mission Community of St Peter and the Holy Apostles

St Peter - Wyndham Square

St Thomas - 90 Royal Navy Avenue, Keyham

St James the Less - Ham Drive


PCC Meeting: 23rd January 2023


Present: Richard Coombes (RC), Nikki Hirst (NH), Roger Lewis (RL), Susan Mackenzie (SM), Graham Roberts (GR), Fr.David Way (Fr. DW) & Sue Way (SW)







Prayer led by Fr. DW




Apologies: Joan Colmer, Julian Davies, John Harvey, Ben Otley, Jenny Tregillis




Heating got sorted out

Everything happened as per events except tree postponed


Matters arising

Food larder: DW explained that we have a large grant that needs spending by the end of March (requests for energy help which we are able to do as well as white goods). SW suggested that the money is allocated for £2k for Fare Share, can we buy things now e.g. for those in impossible need in say 6 mths time.  E.g. soup kettles - however Fr. DW explained that the money needs to be allocated to a person.


Fr. DW now going to get more involved with St Peter’s Primary School; they are making impact and getting a lot of press support at present.




PCC Responsibilities


  • The Rill, St Peter’s is still not working - SW asked why it keeps breaking, Fr. DW also pointed out that it uses a lot of energy
  • St Thomas’s has a new alarm, until ownership has been established repairs are in limbo - Fr. DW
  • We are meant to be paying the diocese a peppercorn rent but we don't pay - diocese don’t know either - Fr. DW Ben White (St Peter’s congregation) has offered to investigate with Land Registry (his employer)
  • Lease for Hartwell St and the car park at Hartwell St has been sorted and signed - notification received  Fr. DW
  • Fire extinguishers need servicing at St Thomas- suggested ACE who do St Peters


  • Report from GR (handed out)
    • Taps need replacing in the loos
    • Why increase in water? NH asked if we have a contract with a new supplier Source for business is the default supplier, perhaps alternative.  SW asked if handwashing dishes was increasing usage - there has been an increased use of cubic m
  • SW suggested a letter reminding people of how they can give/gift











Investigate ownership


















Letter to explain



















Fr. DW











Fr. DW


Safeguarding/GDPR Report from SW

Potential matter occurred recently, it didn’t require action but is being monitored

Sorting out DBSs needs organising.  There is a new system on safeguarding hub (online tool to do that easily)
NH raised the issue of DBS for Sunday school for example so that she could be the only person with them.  Fr. DW suggested that having glass protected somewhat but we have to be careful with different people and if out of eyeshot.



Continue to monitor






  • Ben’s list of activities
  • Roger raised the opportunity of PL1 for Petertide
    (he is investigating the options), Fr. DW suggested before Petertide because July is so busy. (between 19th & 23rd June best options)
  • Fr. DW: May coronation event, needs some thinking about e.g. street party at St Peter’s - Sunday, to include the local community to help with organising. 
  • Fr. DW: Christmas hamper recipients are also due a hamper in Feb and March - maybe could link to Feast of Fun
  • Phoenix concert?
  • Patronal at 5.30 on 2nd July - St Thomas’s (so people can attend Levowan)
  • South West Organist Association coming to St Peter’s need to check dates
  • Discussed more to bring families in - activities, perhaps a coffee morning for Mums, Dads and Carers and bring kids for activities.  SW suggested activities for congregation



  • Fr DW: wants to promote Alpha courses - gather / eat together / presentation / discuss in groups (wants to bring in people who don’t come to church) Weds evening at 6pm, will need some simple food provision
  • Fr DW: Stations of the cross has typically been with mass.  Now thinking of doing Stations of the cross on Sunday evening and on the Saturday will continue with the lent lunches and work parties
  • Fr DW: There is also something planned with other groups for people already in faith.




Book PL1






Feast of fun







Plan activities


Letter drop in square & noticeboards and facebook page

Ask congregation










Fr. DW

NH to put date in


Fr. DW




Fr DW & Ben






Energy costs / Costs of living / Baby Basics

  • Fr DW: St Peters advertising as a warm space open every morning until midday, getting a lot of people in (e.g. today 25 people came in)
  • Energy costs: NH asked about the finance support course ‘Cash smart credit savvy’.  Fr. DW would like to get finance advice in, to help people. 
    The church has had a slow cooker training morning, which includes distribution of slow cookers.
  • Baby basics are very busy.

Have a lot of publicity for what is going on in the diocese at St Peters which is a positive reflection of the good work that all are doing - Fr. DW




Mission Community Health Check

Fr. DW explained that this is an online questionnaire from the diocese, all of the PCC would be expected to complete it; approx 7mins.  Could possibly also get parents at the school to answer.  Important that all complete this because it is the ‘next steps’ process.

SW pointed out that those in the PCC are a high percentage of the congregation.



Signed up for it



Fr. DW


Slipping standards!

Fr. DW not trying to be negative but has noticed that prioritising support has meant that other aspects are slipping. The areas that he thought we should think about are:

  • Silence in church before mass (talking in Howesons).  NH suggested a helpful guide, it’s very important that it’s not a barrier.
  • The Welcome is falling apart somewhat with inconsistency and knowing how to support newcomers.  SW suggested that we have a session on Saturday to train our fantastic volunteers.  We still have Fiona’s leaflet.
  • Cotters should not be worn before Mass around the church
  • Difficulty cleaning the church, divide it into sections? SM said that the main floor and the kitchen are particularly difficult.  Ben White has said that he’s going to come in and do with SM.  NH would like to help with children’s area.












Sectioning the cleaning







Fr. DW





Fr. DW



This year is the year for renewing the electoral roll; forms will be out soon




Date of Next Meeting

8th March 2023 - St Peter’s





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