P.C.C. Minutes


Meeting Date     24th May 2023
Meeting Venue    St. Peter’s Church
Attendees    As recorded in the attendance book                                                  
Prayers    Father David opened the meeting with a prayer.
Apologies    Graham Roberts, Nikki Hurst, Joan Colmer, Susan Way, Roger Lewis, Fr. David Watson, Ken Collins
Minutes of last meeting    These were accepted as a true record

Matters arising, not covered by items on the agenda    Buildings: St. Thomas - Ben Otley has been working on the drains etc.
St. Peters – there have been more problems with the rill            although it is working much quieter than before.
Gutters have been cleared and it is planned for them to be done
regularly in the future.
 Finance    See Treasurer’s report attached.
There is a black hole in the Diocese finance, one suggested way to tackle this is to drop the number of stipendiary clergy even though there has been a natural drop.
Some Churches have decided not to pay the common fund in objection to same sex blessings.
Participation Numbers    These are looking good at present, with the current number being 64, with 48 being considered members of the church and including people not able to attend due to ill health etc.
Ben Otley    Ben’s reader’s licence has been confirmed
Safeguarding / GDPR                                                                                                                                  Ongoing
Mission Opportunities
    St. Peter’s: The celebrations to commemorate the King’s Coronation were a success.
Sunday 11th June - Corpus Christi Celebration – The Mass on Sunday will be at the usual time of 10.00 am. People wishing to stay all day should bring their own lunch. Father David will advise of a suitable venue to eat nearer the time. At 4.00 pm Bishop Paul will address those present. This will be followed by refreshments in Cloisters. Refreshments will be followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction, which will include the procession of the Blessed Sacrament around the local area.
Wednesday 21st June – Parish meal at PL1
Thursday 29th June – St. Peter’s Feast Day Mass. The guest preacher will be Father Peter Jackson.
Sunday 2nd July – Concert by Lewarnick and Kelly College choirs.
Wednesday 5th July – A mass will be held at 7.30 pm to commemorate Father David’s 25th anniversary to the Priesthood. This will be followed by refreshments.
St. Thomas:
Sunday 2nd July – To celebrate St. Thomas Feast Day, a BBQ will be held at 3.00 pm followed by Mass at 5.00 pm.
Plymouth F.I.F. churches:
Saturday 8th July – Annual pilgrimage to Glastonbury. Cost of £20, which includes coach and entry into the Abbey.
Cost of Living Support    We received a large grant from Plymouth City Council to support people over the winter months with some money left over for future months.
The food bank is ongoing
Baby Basics    A coffee morning will be held in St. Peter’s on Wednesday 5th July to celebrate the 1st Anniversary of Baby basics.
Application for Mission Growth Grant    We are looking for a part time family and children’s worker to work mainly at the school i.e. parenting group to be start-ed by the worker and then ongoing by the parents.
Liturgical Changes    The Hail Mary is to be discontinued during the Intercessions
Dates of PCC Meetings for the coming year    Tuesday 25th July at St. Thomas; Wednesday 6th September at     St. Peter’s; Wednesday 8th November at St. Thomas
A.P.C.M. at St. Peter’s, date to be decided.
All meeting to start at 7.00 pm
Blessing    There being no further business, Fr. David closed the meeting with a blessing.

Signed as a true record:



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