P.C.C. Minutes


Meeting Date     6th September 2023
Meeting Venue    St. Peter’s Church
Attendees    As recorded in the attendance book                                                  
Prayers    Father David opened the meeting with a prayer.
Apologies    Graham Roberts, Susan Way, Susan Mackenzie, Fr. David Watson, Ken Collins  
Minutes of last meeting    These were accepted as a true record

Matters arising, not covered by items on the agenda    There were no matters arising.                                                    
Buildings    The guttering at St. Peter’s needs clearing. The rill is not working again. The heater on the font not working but it needs to be full to operate and it is leaking. The dishwasher is now working. St. Peter’s church cleaning people needed for this perhaps a rota.
St. Thomas needs cleaning and attention.
 Finance    There was no report available
Ben Otley    Ben’s reader’s licence has been confirmed
Safeguarding / GDPR                                                                                                                                  No report although all PCC members need to be current on their checks.
Mission Opportunities
    Corpus Christi Feedback: The Bishop was delighted with the day and wishes it to become a yearly event.
Petertide: Went very well. Hopefully to involve the school next year
PL1 was very successful hopefully we will have another meal in the new year
Upcoming Events    Pet Blessing: Sunday October 8TH
Remembrance Memorial Service Sunday 5th November at 4p.m. how about more advertisement for this event
Quiz night: Wednesday 18th October
Winter warmer evening: Wednesday November 15th   
Food Larder/Cost of Living/Baby Basics    Food larder to continue although we do not know what food we will receive week by week.
Baby Basics: this is going very well with 96 referrals in the last 12 months a donation was received from The Freemasons and various items from St. Gabriel’s and St. Francis.
Failed Funding Bid    An application was submitted for funding for a youth worker to work with parents and to extend to after school unfortunately we were unsuccessful.

St. James    Fr. David said that unfortunately the time has come to stop the Masses at St. James.
Dates of PCC Meetings for the coming year    Wednesday 8th November at St. Thomas
Wednesday 10th January at St. Peter’s
A.P.C.M. at St. Peter’s, date to be decided.
All meeting to start at 7.00 pm
Blessing    There being no further business, Fr. David closed the meeting with a blessing.

Signed as a true record:



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