P.C.C. Minutes




Meeting Date  

6th April 2022


As recorded in the attendance book                                                  


Father David opened the meeting with a prayer.


 Fr. David Watson, Mrs. Susan Mackenzie, Mr. Russell Cawley, Mr Edward Luscombe

Minutes of last meeting

These were accepted as a true record


Matters arising

Ben has been to Preston to visit the house of formation

Due to certain individuals abusing the food larder and taking large quantities of food, the amount of food available at any one time is being rationed and replenished two or three times a week, rather than making all the food available at once.

Baby Basics is progressing and those involved have a better knowledge of what is required in each basket.

Unfortunately, the Lunch Club has not been as successful as before the lockdown, giving rise to the need to have a think about how to relaunch it.

PCC Responsibilities



Due to the previous odd job man we used being unfit to work, we are in need of finding a replacement. If anyone has knowledge of somebody who is dependable, they should speak to Father David.

There is still a doubt as to whether a faculty has been received for the pews at St. James to be replaced with chairs, although this has been done, although the pews are still on the premises.


See Treasurer’s report attached.



Father David has received a letter from Russell Cawley resigning from the post of Church Warden. Father David gave a vote of thanks to Russell for his support and work whilst a member of the P.C.C.

Safeguarding  / GDPR                                                                                                                              

The issue reported at the previous meeting is still being monitored. Other than that, there are no matters causing concern.

St. Thomas

The new notice board and bench have now been installed at the front of the Church.


Plans for the Walsingham Festival are progressing. Bishop Philip North will preside over the Mass at St. Peter’s on Sunday 22nd May, with four candidates being confirmed. Father David is arranging for an external caterer for the day. St. Peter’s will be hosting the closing event of the weekend with Evensong and Benediction at 4.30 pm, followed by a buffet and wine.

The Phoenix Chorale will be performing their summer concert in St. Peter’s on Saturday 2nd July.

It is hoped that the PL1 meal will take place on Monday 13th June.

The practicalities of trialling a Street Market during the summer are being investigated.

A meeting of the Hospitality Group will be held on Tuesday 26th April at the Vicarage.

It is planned to have a working party cleaning the church throughout Holy Week rather than leaving everything to the Saturday, as in previous years.

Queens Jubilee

Anybody with ideas on how we can celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee should speak to Father David.

Date of AGM

The A.G.M. will be held after Mass on Sunday 8th May.

A short meeting will be arranged prior to this to accept the Annual Accounts for 2021


There being no further business, Fr. David closed the meeting with a blessing.


Signed as a true record




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