P.C.C. Minutes




Meeting Date

8th March 2023

Meeting Venue

St. Peter’s Church


As recorded in the attendance book                                                  


Father David opened the meeting with a prayer.


Fr. David Watson

Minutes of last meeting

These were accepted as a true record


Matters arising, not covered by items on the Agenda

Thanks were given to Nikki Hirst for taking and producing the minutes from the last meeting.


There are still issues with the Rill in St. Peter’s. In addition to the repair work, investigation needs to be done to find out why it keeps breaking down.

The taps in the toilets need replacing as they are not turning off and water is being wasted.

The ownership of St. Thomas is still under investigation.


See Treasurer’s report attached.

Safeguarding / GDPR                                                                                                                              

The Safeguarding Officer issued an updated copy of the Parish Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy for approval of the P.C.C. This was approved unanimously.

Safeguarding training for members of the P.C.C. is still outstanding, and the best way of delivering this training is being investigated.



St. Peter’s: Wednesday 15th March, a planning meeting for a Coronation Street Party to see what interest there is from residents in the square.

St Peter’s: Holy Week masses to be held as before.

St. Peter’s: Good Friday stations to be held outdoor, weather permitting.

St. Peter’s: Sunday 11th June, Corpus Christi Mass to be held in the morning as normal followed by a Corpus Christi festival at 3.00 pm, attended by Bishop Paul, on his 1st visit to the Parish. Lunch arrangements are still to be decided.

St. Peter’s: Wednesday 5th July at 7.30 pm, Father David’s 25th Anniversary Mass

PL1 meal still being arranged

Energy costs /cost of living

The household support scheme money from Plymouth City Council needs to be spent by the end of March. The outstanding money will be spent on vouchers and long-life products.

The official warm space in St. Peter’s and St. Thomas will operate until the end of March, although St. Peter’s will remain open as normal for the Food Larder, giving people access to the church.

Baby Basics

The 1st anniversary of Baby Basics is in June. Some local midwives are organising a fund-raising evening. There have been several donations from various people, and from organisations such as Plymouth Argyle and Morrisons.

A conference is due to be held in London and Joan and Debbie plan to attend.

Dates of PCC Meetings for the coming year

A.P.C.M. at St. Peter’s, date to be decided.


There being no further business, Fr. David closed the meeting with a blessing.


Signed as a true record:



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