Our Mission Strategy – is driven by the words of St Paul – ‘The Love of Christ Compels us.’ 2 Cor. 514
‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to come together, especially on the ‘Lords Day’ to worship him, fittingly, and as a community to provide a worthy space and means to fulfil that privilege and obligation.
‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to extend his love to others, by making the Gospel accessible to them and encouraging them to ‘Come and See’. This is our motivation for Mission and evangelization.
‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to use the gifts God has given us to his glory, and to encourage others to do the same by promoting lay ministries to work in harmony with and guided by our Parish Priest. We acknowledge our need for help in continuing to explore this aspect of parish life.
‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to encourage the young, and to learn from them as they share fully, safety permitting, in the life, work and witness of our Mission Community. We are open to discovering new ways in our ministry with and to children, and we are determined to maintain strong links with our Church Primary School.
‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to welcome others, as Christ welcomes us to the table of His Word and of His Sacrament. It is a priority that each of our church buildings become “A People Place” of real welcome, and are adapted for worship and community use that proclaim that welcome.
‘The love of Christ Compels us’ to work and strive for visible unity, both within our own Mission Community and with Christians of other traditions. Mindful of this, we aim to maintain our current Ecumenical links and to explore them more actively.
Our Mission Statement is "Making a family out of strangers, rooted and grounded in God's Love" Because that is simply what we do!